Wednesday, November 28, 2012

26 weeks (and counting!)


I'm officially past V day (viability day), and SO happy we're here! I'm feeling ok after my pre-term labor scare other than having a sinus infection. My doctor confirmed that I did lose my mucus plug (sorry if TMI) and that my cervix was effaced, but now I'm on progesterone and taking it very easy on the couch. I miss work, and I miss being able to run errands and come and go as I want, but I know this is what's best for baby girl. What else... I think we've found a crib! We're going to look at it probably next weekend, and I'm really excited to get started on the nursery- I can't believe we haven't even painted the walls yet- I'm glad baby is staying put!

Although I haven't been working and I'm off my feet for the most part, the past week has actually been pretty busy. My dad came to visit to meet Luca, and we had a lot of fun. We weren't able to explore the area or really do anything crazy, but time on the couch with family is always better than time on the couch alone! Luca loved meeting Grampa Satch, and he had a great time with the toys Grampa brought him! I have a bunch of photos to share, but I'm having trouble with my blogger and I can't upload all of the photos so I'll figure it out and update more. For now it's back to party planning- Luca's party is this weekend and my mom is coming to help so we're all getting excited! Here's a teaser of the favors- this is the girl's version: animal crackers, maraca, and Luca's all time favorite toy a kazoo!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Still here...

When I went on bed rest I thought "oh great! I'll be able to blog a lot!". But then I realized that if you're on bed rest, you don't have anything fun to blog about! We aren't able to take fun trips during the weekend, and life is pretty boring. So my apologies. I've actually been working on Luca's birthday party quite a bit, and it seems like things may be coming together.

Yesterday was a rough day for me- I had a lot of cramping and some back pain, and overall I just felt lousy. This morning I woke up and passed a golf-ball size clot of mucus, so I called my doctor and they had me come in for an exam. My cervix had thinned, but luckily it was not necessarily opening. So I was sent to the hospital for monitoring and steroid injections. I had the same steroid injections at 30 weeks during my pregnancy with Luca, and I honestly believe that's why he did so well when he was born.

I'm back home now resting, and I have a follow up tomorrow. In my heart I believe that baby girl is going to stay put. She's certainly doing just fine- her kicks are impressive!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 24

Where's waldo?! See my little Maxwell in the background? Love that little man.
Things around here have been pretty low key lately as I'm still on bed rest, but my belly is growing, that's for sure! I know I keep saying this, but this pregnancy is really night and day compared to my pregnancy with Luca. This time around I started feeling movement a lot earlier, I had much more nausea, and I've had so much less energy than I had with Luca. Typically women get a surge of energy in the second trimester, and I'm still waiting for that. I'm not sure if I could be getting any more rest, but I still feel like I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm not sure where the motivation is going to come from to complete baby girl's nursery.
My wardrobe these days consists of stretchy pants and comfy shirts- hardly the heels and maternity wear I've been used to at work. As much as bed rest is annoying, I do enjoy the uniform.
At the end of this week, I'll be hitting a huge milestone- 24 weeks. This is the time when the pregnancy is considered "viable" and if I went into labor the baby would have a chance of survival. Huge, huge milestone for baby girl!
(excuse the mess in our bedroom- I'm not exactly cleaning like I usually do!)

Unfortunately I've been gaining more weight than I did with Luca. My appetite isn't great, but I'm still managing to put on the el bees. This certainly doesn't help with my lazy blob syndrome, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a little more active soon so my energy level improves and my weight gain plateaus.

Luca has been doing the CUTEST thing lately before bed. We snuggle and read a book, and when he's ready to go to sleep he rolls over onto his tummy and scooches down so his head is on my belly. He laughs and sometimes licks and tries to bite my belly before he passes out on my bump. I'm not sure exactly why he's doing this, but I tell myself he's talking to his sister. Luca is getting so silly lately, and I can't get enough of his little quirks.

Nursery progress is sort of at a stand still until I can find a suitable WHITE crib. I cannot believe how hard it is to find a white white crib- not ivory. I've also been spending a lot of my time planning Luca's first birthday party, because if I am allowed to go back to work I won't have much time!

Little lady, we're getting ready for you and I'm so glad you've cooperated these past few weeks!

Happy voting day everyone!