I'm officially past V day (viability day), and SO happy we're here! I'm feeling ok after my pre-term labor scare other than having a sinus infection. My doctor confirmed that I did lose my mucus plug (sorry if TMI) and that my cervix was effaced, but now I'm on progesterone and taking it very easy on the couch. I miss work, and I miss being able to run errands and come and go as I want, but I know this is what's best for baby girl. What else... I think we've found a crib! We're going to look at it probably next weekend, and I'm really excited to get started on the nursery- I can't believe we haven't even painted the walls yet- I'm glad baby is staying put!
Although I haven't been working and I'm off my feet for the most part, the past week has actually been pretty busy. My dad came to visit to meet Luca, and we had a lot of fun. We weren't able to explore the area or really do anything crazy, but time on the couch with family is always better than time on the couch alone! Luca loved meeting Grampa Satch, and he had a great time with the toys Grampa brought him! I have a bunch of photos to share, but I'm having trouble with my blogger and I can't upload all of the photos so I'll figure it out and update more. For now it's back to party planning- Luca's party is this weekend and my mom is coming to help so we're all getting excited! Here's a teaser of the favors- this is the girl's version: animal crackers, maraca, and Luca's all time favorite toy a kazoo!